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Female sexuality

Demystified Approved: Come as You Are: The Surprising New Science That Will Transform Your Sex Life

Note: Demystified Approved posts are not sponsored content. They are products and services we actually use, love and believe more women should know about! If you have a suggestion for a Demystified Approved post let us know in the comments below, or email us. I only came across Emily Nagoski’s Come As You Are this year, and, as promised, it has totally changed my life. We and our writers have discussed in past posts how female sexuality

Demystified Approved: OMGYes

A few months ago, I came across some shattering statistics about female sexuality in my Human Behavior class. Apparently, between 20 and 30% of women in the US and Europe experience female orgasmic disorder (basically, not being able to or having a hard time coming, with the added dimension of feeling distressed about it)*. Also, 30% of women AROUND THE WORLD experience female sexual interest/arousal disorder, featuring a reduction of interest in sex, and, again,