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Finding “Good Sex” in the Age of Aziz

Last week I found myself perplexed and disturbed as the Aziz Ansari story broke. Not only were Atlantic and New York Times op-ed writers minimizing the victim’s experience by calling it a “disappointing hookup,” “a lousy romantic encounter,” and overall bad sex—many of my feminist friends were echoing this sentiment, too. Sensationalized tone aside, I believe that the piece is one of the most important stories to come out of #metoo. This time, it wasn’t a

Demystifying Sexual Dysfunction

I expected losing my virginity to hurt, but I did not expect being penetrated to feel like having a knife enter me and rip me in half. It took long enough for the boy to actually be able to insert his penis into my vagina, which seemed to just not want to let anyone in, although I was more than ready and willing to have sex. Once his penis finally entered me, I clenched my

Demystifying Overdue Orgasms

I did not have an orgasm until I was twenty-three years old. Looking back, do I regret the orgasm-less decade I experienced until that time? YES. YES I FUCKING DO. So, this used to be my deepest and most shameful secret, one that only my closest and oldest friends knew. But you know what?? Like a lot of shameful female secrets, it’s not even that unusual!! There are studies and medical institutes that indicate that